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Cash and Markets Specialist at the British Red Cross

The British Red Cross helps millions of people in the UK and around the world to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies, disasters and conflicts. Our volunteers and staff help people in crisis to live independently by providing support at home, mobility aids and transport. We also teach first aid skills. We are part of the global Red Cross and Red Crescent humanitarian network. We refuse to ignore people in crisis.
British Red Cross (BRC) in partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is currently looking for an experienced candidate to work within the ICRC delegation in Abuja, Nigeria, to fill the position below:

Role reference: REQ0000014GZ
Location: Abuja, Nigeria
Function: Cash and Markets Specialist – NRCS/NEMA Cash Preparedness Delegate
Proposed length of assignment: 3 months
  • There is an increased use of cash transfer programming (CTP) in humanitarian response; and it is widely recognized that cash transfers and vouchers can be appropriate and effective tools to support populations affected by disasters in a way that maintains dignity and choice for beneficiaries while stimulating local livelihoods, economies and markets.
  • The RCRC Movement has a long history of using cash transfer programming (CTP) in disaster and armed-conflict response and it’s recognized that adequate preparedness and organisational institutionalisation of CTP are critical pre-requisites for an organisation to rapidly deliver cash. ICRC and other Movement partners are therefore increasingly working together to improve the cash preparedness of key national societies in disaster and armed-conflict response prone countries and a CTP in emergencies framework has been developed, including guidance for key CTP preparedness measures to be in place before disaster or conflict strikes.
  • Nigeria Red Crescent Society (NRCS) is a long-term partner of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The NRCS is a frontline organization in humanitarian response and a member of the National Emergency management Agency (NEMA). The NRCS and NEMA respond to sudden onset natural disasters and armed conflict, including distribution of relief items and livelihood support after the floods in many parts of Nigeria and the humanitarian action in conflict affected areas in the north-east.
  • NRCS has implemented a limited number of cash based interventions with the support from ICRC, Total, Japanese Government and other Movement partners. These have almost exclusively been targeting small number of households. On the other hand, NEMA has capacity to and mandate to deliver large scale humanitarian response to disasters at the National level, but has limited experience in CTP.
  • Both NRCS and NEMA have requested the ICRC for capacity building assistance to enable them to acquire the skills that would allow them to deliver cash based assistance in future.
  • The NRCS/NEMA CTP preparedness will form part of on-going capacity building programme where the ICRC is trying to transfer skills and capacities to the local institutions that are expected to assume responsibility for humanitarian interventions in areas where civilians are affected by other situations of violence or natural disasters.
  • Under the supervision of the EcoSec Coordinator, the Cash and Markets Specialist is responsible for providing technical support for the design and initial activities of the Cash Preparedness Project in Nigeria.
  • The CTP Advisor will support the CTP focal points at the Nigeria Red Cross Society (NRCS) and the National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA).
  • They will help NRCS and NEMA in the development of the detailed project description and related timeline / work plan, budget, necessary internal advocacy and preparation of a CTP preparedness at NRCS and NEMA.
Main Responsibilities
  • The cash preparedness capacity building programme will be based on the specific needs of the NRCS and NEMA, but is expected to follow the cash preparedness model developed by the RC/RC movement. The delegate will help the recipient organisations in identifying their gaps in terms of capacity to deliver cash timely and at scale; as well as the activities to be undertaken to increase the organisations’ capacity. The capacity assessment and cash preparedness action plan will follow these four tracks:
    • Identifying enabling systems,
    • Developing suitable programme tools,
    • Adapting resources and capacities, and
    • Putting a communication and coordination mechanism in place,
  • Engage all the relevant internal stakeholders/departments (from both NRCS and NEMA) in the capacity assessment as well as in the in development of the programmes’ Plan of action and budget.
  • The Delegate will provide technical support to for the capacity assessment as well as the design of the Cash Preparedness Project in general. They will be the responsible to produce the capacity assessment report and the complete and approved final version of the PoAs.
  • Work with NRCS and NEMA CTP focal points to harness strong internal advocacy to key stakeholders within the NRCS and NEMA to ensure ownership and buy in from the two organisations at all levels to the CTP Preparedness project.
  • Coordinate and engage ICRC and IFRC cash Delegates in the process when relevant.
Main Tasks
  • Organise a start-up workshop for key stakeholders at NRCS and NEMA to ensure full understanding of the prerequisites of developing CTP and hence ensure a commitment and full buy in,
  • In collaboration with ICRC trainers, organise:
    • A half day cash training addressed to NRCS and NEMA leadership.
    • An in-house CTP training level 2 for NRCS and NEMA cash teams
    • NRCS and NEMA staff with previous experience in cash and familiar with the CTP Level 2 will be engaged in the facilitation as a mean to ensure sustainability and replication of trainings.
  • Facilitate the CTP preparedness gap analysis of NRCS and NEMA using the NS selfassessment tool to gather information on 1) enabling systems, 2) programme tools, 3) resources and capacities, as well as 4) communication and coordination and identify the gaps and the areas the need to be developed/strengthened.
  • Support the NS and NEMA to define possible disaster scenarios and the use of cash in relation to these. Link up with NRCS and NEMA contingency planning process in order to ensure maximum integration.
  • Support the CTP focal points identified at NRCS and NEMA headquarters in the development of the Plan of Action. Lead the participatory workshop to develop project description with Log-frame, the PoA and related budget.
    • The Plan of action should include, activities such as to produce the CTP SOP, a cash toolkit, replicate the CTP Level 2 training, conduct markets assessment trainings – including practical exercises-, sign framework agreements with FSP that can be activated at short notice when needed in accordance with financial procedures of the two organisations, develop CTP communication materials, develop a thoughtful risk analysis including mitigations measures and robust financial controls as well as support to NEMA on cash coordination.
  • Prepare/adapt the training materials, lead the training delivery and coach the local facilitators (ToTs).
  • Eventually, conduct some of the initial activities described in the PoA, for instance, development of a Cash tool kit adapting the relevant tools from the RCRC CiE Toolbox, or any identified as more urgent and feasible within the timeframe.
  • Prepare a handover report outlining key tasks to be follow up by the NRCS and NEMA Focal Points and the ICRC cash delegates until the arrival of the new Delegate to support on implementation.
  • Produce the end of Mission summary note on key deliverables, learning and outline on next steps and longer-term engagement
Place of work
  • Abuja, with possible travel to selected NRCS branches and NEMA zonal offices in the field
Other Information
Planning Form
Main skills required for the post:
  • University Degree (Master in Economics or any other related field preferred though Bachelor is accepted) or equivalent experience from other field of qualification (e.g. Agriculture Economy, Business Administration).
  • Fluent knowledge of English
  • Computer proficiency
  • Able to work in hazardous security environment with flexibility to work with unusual schedule with considerable travel if required.
  • 5 years previous experience in managing cash and markets based and capacity building projects
Skills that may be acquired during the assignment:
  • Knowledge of relevant market assessment and cash transfer tools
  • Management of cash and markets based intervention throughout the project cycle
  • Proven ability to research, write reports and present findings on market assessment and cash transfers activities
  • Adult education skills and didactic methods,
  • Languages required: English
  • Languages that would be an asset;
  • Salary: £26,598
  • Package: Salary, monthly living allowances, accommodation, travel costs, full medical insurance
Application Closing Date
30th July, 2017.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:

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