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Health and Care is one of the Nigerian Red Cross Society’s core programmes
Following the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2011 - 2013 of the Nigerian Red Cross Society (NRCS), the health and care department adopted the following programs in its 2012 Plan of action. Namely;


  • CBH&FA  ( maternal, neonatal and child health (immunizations)

    Health in emergencies)



Overall Health Programme Goal
The overall goal of the Nigerian Red Cross Society’s Health Programme is to reduce morbidity and mortality by strengthening the capacity of the vulnerable people in their daily lives and enabling them to address their priority health problems.

The focus of health in emergencies is on prevention and response to epidemics and prevailing health issues, especially those that affect the most vulnerable (women and children, rural and urban communities)                                                

1. The NRCS health and care department with support from the IFRC  delivered assistance to communities affected by Lassa fever in Ebonyi, Edo and Nasarawa states on the 13th Feb. 2012 was closed on 25th May 2012, having reached 21,000 households (81,461 people) which is about 4% above the targeted population. Collectively, the assistance delivered contributed to alleviating the living conditions of the community members reached.

Activities carried out

  • Recruitment and Training of 282 NRCS community volunteers to carry out Rapid community assessment to determine the risk factors and the gaps left by other partners in control of Lassa fever.

  • 300 volunteers were trained on Lassa fever overview and vector control, good hygiene, water purification, sanitation, hospital referrals and they were equipped with Epidemic control kit/module

  • The volunteers carried out community sensitizations and campaigns on prevention of Lassa fever, good hygiene, water purification, sanitation and hospital referrals.


  • The National Society continued to play a major role in health emergency response in Nigeria

  • More Red Cross volunteers’ capacity built on Health epidemics response.

Lack of funding to cover more states as the NRCS responded in 3 out of 19 states initially involved.

2. The Health and care Department on the 15th December 2012 commenced its activities on the flood intervention in Nigeria, involving 10, out of the affected 23 States. This is supported by the IFRC.

It has so reached a total number of 21,886 people in different communities in the 10 states with following activities:

  • Sensitization on Malaria Prevention and control.

  • Households group sensitization on disease prevention and health promotion

  • Sensitization on diarrhea diseases in children, possible causes, preventive measures and treatment using Oral Dehydration Therapy.

  • A complete demonstration on the mode of application of ORS and how to improvise      in the absence of ORS using our household iodized SALT and SUGAR Solution in  appropriate quantity.

  • Hand washing and its importance in disease prevention.

  • Monitoring of relief distribution of Mosquito nets as three (3) each was given per   household.

Some of the challenges encountered so far are lack of health facilities, pharmacy, health provider or trained health workers in some communities.
This intervention is presently ongoing.

Community Based & First Aid (CBH&FA)
The CBH&FA programme commenced since 2010 and was designed to support basic health needs provided by the government, it comprises basic health care, social mobilization for immunisation and control, malaria prevention, community-based first aid, health in emergencies etc.

1. As a result of reports coming from members of Kuyizhi community as well as from the Daily Trust Newspaper, the NRCS Health and Care Department in synergy with the Disaster Management Department with support from the NRCS National Headquarters carried out various activities aimed at improving resilience and capacities of people of Kuyizhi community (Kuje Area Council) regarding risk reduction particularly those related to water and health. About a thousand people (33 Households) were reached with the following activities:


1. Education on safe water and distribution of water treatment chemicals.
A training session was conducted to teach community members on how to make water safe for drinking. Part of the topics taught in the session was methods of household water purification which include filtration, sedimentation, boiling and chlorination.

The correct use of Aqua tab for household water treatment was demonstrated to the community members and 3,060 numbers of Aqua tabs (Six months supply) were then distributed to all households in the community.

2. Malaria prevention and distribution of LLINs
Community members were educated on the cause of malaria, its prevention and importance of seeking medical help for malaria treatment. 50 Long Lasting Insecticide Treated bed nets (LLINs) were distributed to children (0 - 5 years), nursing mothers, pregnant women and the elderly in the community. Proper use of LLINs (hanging and care of the net) was also demonstrated to the community members.

3. Trainings of Mothers on Nutrition
Women in the community attended a training session on nutrition. They were taught the importance of good nutrition for pregnant and nursing mothers, exclusive breastfeeding of newborn for six months, introduction of weaning diet after six months, good nutrition for children and adolescent females. There was demonstration on different classes of food and how they can be combined to make balanced diet. Mothers were taught how to make weaning cereal using locally available food.

4. Management of Diarrhea and distribution of ORS
The training session on management of diarrhea was well attended by both men and women in the community. Topics treated under this session include diarrhea, signs and symptoms of dehydration, preparation of ORS, how to administer ORS, home remedies for management of dehydration.

340 sachets of Oral Rehydration Salt (ORS) were distributed to mothers in the community.

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