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The Nigerian Red Cross Society in 2007 drafted a three-year Strategic Development Plan (SDP) for the period 2008 to 2010. These efforts and the lifecycle of the documents produced made the development of this Strategic Development Plan (2011 – 2013) imperative.

From the onset, S-2013 was designed to be fully participatory, taking into consideration inputs from 37 branches of the Nigerian Red Cross Society. By so doing, all branches were able to take ownership of this document in its entirety and ensure implementation for the period under plan.

To achieve the foregoing, a Steering Committee was constituted to drive the drafting process. The Committee comprised of the Secretary General (as Chairman) and programme Heads from the headquarters, two representatives of Branch Secretaries; two representatives of Branch Chairmen and two representatives of  Volunteers; all drawn from the six geo-political zones of the country.

The method of data gathering for this SDP was a survey and the instruments used were questionnaires and focus group discussions. The questionnaire was provided to facilitate the planning process and yield content for the plan. Six zonal consultative meetings/workshops involving three representatives of each branch were held across the country to get inputs of all.

The workshops addressed the situation of the National Society in the last three years. For better understanding of its current situation, the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) to the Nigerian Red Cross Society were examined and the workshop participants made recommendations for future directions.

The reports of these consultative meetings/workshops were collated, distilled and a single draft report was produced. This draft went through further scrutiny at a national workshop during which it was discussed extensively and given further touches. The
resultant final document is this NRCS 2011 – 2013 Strategic Development Plan.

Click here to download the NRCS 2011 – 2013 Strategic Development Plan.

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