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Meningitis, Nigerian Red Cross Society reaches 407, 344, refers 20, 019 identified cases

The Nigerian Red Cross Society (NRCS) has reached a total number of 407,344 beneficiaries with messages on meningitis relating to the causes, transmission and prevention while 20,019 identified suspected cases were referred to medical facilities in three states of Zamfara, Sokoto and Katsina.  Zamfara reached a total of 346,776 beneficiaries and referred 13,425 within the four weeks period of social mobilization. Sokoto on the other hand reached a total of 60,568 beneficiaries and referred 6,594 within two weeks. Katsina is yet to give in their report.
A total number of 495 volunteers including supervisors were trained in all the three states and are on the ground actively working- 150 volunteers and 15 supervisors per state. Volunteers were trained on simple key meningitis messages relating to the causes, transmission and prevention as well as active case finding and referral. Preceding the volunteers training, was a one day orientation held in Abuja for the Branch Health Coordinators, 3 NDRTs deployed and NHQ staff involved in the operation. Other actors from Federal Ministry of Health and Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) were also part of the orientation meeting where they shared relevant information, data and operational update on the current outbreak.

During the training, volunteers were also trained on data collection and how to fill home visit form and demonstrate correct hand washing at critical times as to promote personal hygiene at household level when the need arises. The training was conducted in Hausa where volunteers also carried out role play as they would do in a household setting, mosques, churches, market places, schools and other public places. Volunteers were also trained on the proper use of PPEs, how and when to use, during surveillance and referral. Each volunteer is scheduled to work for a total of 20 days -five days per week with a daily target (of at least) 20 households for four weeks.
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