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  Social Media Guidance for Staff and Volunteers


This guide for the NRCS staff and Volunteers become imperative as we continue to strive to maintain neutrality in all spheres of life as Red Cross staff and volunteers.

Many of you are using your own profiles on social media platforms to communicate on your personal life, politics religion and Red Cross activities, thereby contributing to the NRCS’s online reputation. The "do's and don'ts" and “frequently asked questions” (FAQ) listed in the following enable you to enjoy social media without compromising the action, perception and image of the NRCS as a neutral, independent and strictly humanitarian organization.

Bear in mind that all of us contribute to the goals of the NRCS. It is our responsibility to ensure that whatever we do and say is consistent with the RC Fundamental Principles

I. Do make sure that what you say in a post or a comment is accurate. Show proper respect for copyright and material owned by others.
II. Do respect the privacy of others and the confidential or private character of what they may be telling you. Make sure you have permission to quote them.
III. Do remember that although a photo often says more than a thousand words, you must always respect people's dignity and right to privacy.
IV. Do think twice about what kind of personal information related to yourself, your family, friends and colleagues you want to see in the public domain.

Do add a disclaimer to your social media profile, e.g. "opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of RC. In particular if you mention your role and responsibility with the NRCS.

Note however, that a disclaimer does not guarantee that you will not be quoted as an NRCS staff, volunteer or member. This does not apply to purely professional social media profiles managed by the NRCS’s spokespersons and Communication officers.

I. Don't include NRCS (or its acronyms) in your social media profile’s title5. Never use the NRCS logo, or other emblems of the Movement, as (or as part of) your profile picture, “avatar”, background image, etc.
II. Don't post anything on a social media platform that you would not like to see quoted by media or having to justify to your superior. Your behavior and opinions always reflect on yourself and the NRCS.
III. Don't film or take photos of people without their express permission.
IV. Don't enable geo-tagging on your camera, in particular if you are in the field. The exact location of where you took the photo or recorded the film might otherwise be included in your social media post. Such information could pose a security risk for you and your colleagues, as well as for those the NRCS helps.

How do I balance my personal and professional lives online?
You need to determine your own comfort level in discussing work in your personal communications. You must always remain neutral while discussing politics and religion or ethnic related issues. If you choose to talk about the NRCS via your social media profile, please restrict yourself to what we do and not what we see and of course do or fail to do.
Personal business/placing of advert or any other subject matter not related to the Red Cross and its activities should not be posted on the NRCS media page.

How can I change my privacy settings on Facebook?
Once logged in, select “Privacy Settings” from the menu in the upper right corner of your web browser. Here you can manage the privacy of your updates, photos and information. It is recommended that you set your privacy level to “friends.”

Am I allowed to comment on stuff posted on the NRCS’s Facebook page?
Yes and you are encouraged to do so! You can be a powerful voice in furthering the message of the NRCS. “Like” the official page Facebook…???.... and feel free to comment on its posts.

Avoid negative comments that could generate other negative comments from members of the group.

Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
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